Where were you when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and the world stood still? None of us could have ever imagined the tragedy this virus would bring and how many lives it would take. It has changed many of our lives, but for those who lost a loved one to Covid, life will never be the same. As the months went on, all we heard about were the numbers, but behind those numbers are cherished human beings. They are our loved ones; our moms and dads, our brothers and sisters, our husbands and wives, our grandparents, and unfortunately, our children.
Voices-19 Authors
Vivian's Story - by Jean Sime
Rose's Story - by Bari Himes & Jocelyn Himes
Hal's Story - by Sherry Stein
Paul's Story - by Kim Letizi
Mary's Story - by Rosie Davis
Tony's Story - by Raenell Worrells
Cheryl's Story - by David Stedman
Angelo's Story - by Patty Mazzola
Isabelle's Story - Fiana Tulip
Vince's Story - by Bert Foreman
Joni’s Story - by John Lancos
Ray’s Story - by Annette Allen
Carmelina’s Story - by Mary Cabanillas
Louis’s Story - by Marla Sarrel
Frank’s Story - by Gina Sirico
Anastasia’s Story - by Konstantina Dina Kess
Hosea’s Story - Ira Richardson
Cal’s Story - by Hannah Ernst
Anna’s Story - by Amber Carter